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Join Sixense

Are you curious and passionate about your work? Join a humane and inclusive group with a meaningful mission.

Our Human Resources Policy:

Men and women are the greatest asset of the Sixense Group. Their spirit, commitment and skills are the source of our success and progress. In this respect, the quality of human relations within the company is fundamental. It is everyone’s business.

Our human resources policy is based on three criteria: the commitment of our managers, the training of our employees throughout their careers and the diversity of our career opportunities, in line with the VINCI Group’s human resources policy.

In addition, our apprenticeship policy enables us to train young people in our skilled trades and help them develop their careers.

CTA test

You'll be happy at Sixense if:

  • You’re looking for a meaningful mission
  • You value health and wellness in the workplace
  • You are eager to learn and share your knowledge and are looking for a group with many career opportunities.
  • You want to benefit from an attractive compensation policy
  • You’re convinced that gender equality and diversity are essential for organizations to evolve.
  • You want to join an inclusive group that is open to the world.
    (find out more about our locations at the bottom of this page)
  • You’re interested in civic engagement and want to support or participate in associations.

Discover our core competencies:

The Sixense teams, men and women in the field, come from construction, industrial and digital backgrounds. Reflecting our expertise, they are dedicated to listening and solving our customers’ problems.

Our technicians, engineers, digitizers, developers, etc. are recognized for their technical expertise and capitalize on the experience acquired within the group. Our business is based on technical expertise, supported by a policy of research and development.

Ready for a new challenge?

The posts on offer are open to students, young professionals, as well as to more experienced applicants.




engineers & doctors

icone représentant les alternants

work-study programs
in 2023

icône représentant la formation

hours of training completed by 2023
for 80% of our test employees