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Our CSR commitments

Notre engagement en matière de sécurité

Because our workforce is our greatest asset, health and safety is our priority.

They are the basis of our projects and a fundamental value throughout our relationship with our clients and stakeholders.

Ensuring the safety of all our employees in the workplace

Aiming for zero accidents

As people are our most important asset, safety is a priority. It is the foundation of all our projects and a fundamental principle of their execution. Our safety approach is implemented at all levels of the organisation. The personal commitment of each employee to respect collective health and safety rules allow us to make continuous progress towards excellence.

Our absolute priority is to reach “zero accidents”. Ensuring the safety of all our employees is a genuine opportunity to develop performance. There are many human and financial issues associated with safety policies. Thus, our ambition is to always guarantee the physical integrity and safety of all our employees in their workplace.

To achieve zero accidents, we deploy a proactive approach

Safety is everyone’s business!

At Sixense, this is much more than just a slogan. It is a commitment that we live by every day.

Our proactive approach to making this commitment a reality relies on:

  • A strategy and action plan on safety, health, and the quality of life at work
  • A dedicated organisation for effective implementation of safety protocols
  • Risk analysis for all work sites and operations
  • Raising the awareness of personnel in the field about safety rules and accident prevention and training them accordingly
  • Developing a comprehensive workplace accident dashboard, involving all stakeholders on our projects.