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Measures and expertise for decision support for tunnels construction and operation

Your partner for tunnel construction and operation

Sixense is uniquely positioned to offer you monitoring, scanning, noise and vibration consultancy, geophysics and structural engineering services for your tunnels and surrounding environment.

Discover our solutions and achievements on tunnel projects dug in urban or non-urban environment for transport purposes: pedestrian, metro, rail, road, canal, etc.

The Sixense teams put at your disposal a wide experience of dug, covered and bored tunnels with masonry, concrete and steel structures.


Sixense solutions for tunnels

We bring our expertise to all phases of a tunnel’s life cycle: studies, design, construction, operation and maintenance.


Our services apply to tunnels under construction and in operation with pathologies or affected by adjacent construction:


Design, supply, install, operate and maintain small and large monitoring programs during underground construction and for tunnels in operation.
Monitoring concerns both soil-structures behaviour and environmental issues (noise, vibration, dust, …).
Our range of techniques is wide, from sensors sealed in the ground to measurements made from satellites.


Digitalisation & modelling
Mapping and 3D modelling to bring dimensional information and precise knowledge of construction sites and live structures.


Audit inspection
Methods for tunnel inspection, aiming to improve visit efficiency and rating representation. SIXENSE masters digitalised inspection from the acquisition to the analysis.


Geophysics & soil characterisation
Sixense offers all ground-based geophysical investigation methods to detect disorders, voids, anomalies, faults or obstacles in the ground.


Environmental and acoustic consultancy
Our engineers assess level of nuisance during construction (tunnel boring, blasting operations) and operations (traffic, etc) and advise on mitigation measures.


Tests on concrete structures & laboratory tests
Assess the structure’s condition, lining especially.
Data is collected using No-Destructive or Semi-Destructive methods.
Samples collected on site are sent to the Sixense’s laboratory, to analyze the mechanical, physical or chemical properties of the materials, as well as their pathologies.


Engineering of existing structures
Our engineers analyse pathologies, develop rehabilitation or repair studies and help owners and operators to optimise the maintenance plan.


Climate resilience
Our Resallience team  will support you in adapting to climate change.


Digital simulation model
Sixense has developed complex and accurate algorithms to simulate the significant stresses applied to tunnel structures, such as fires, explosions, earthquakes or impacts.
Discover the activities of our Sixense necs design office, specialised in advanced studies.


To access our different solutions for tunnels, click on the links at the bottom of the page.