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Manage your "noise credits"

The SmartNoise smart indicator dashboard gives you all the information you need to manage your site “noise credits” at a glance.

Construction worksites have an obligation to limit their noise levels, and may be subject to a range of conditions, including compliance with noise limits and/or restrictions on working hours.

In practice, these constraints generally take the form of a “noise credit” imposed on the contractor: a maximum average noise level to be complied with over period of time defined by law, the local authority and/or contractual conditions.

The fluctuating nature of noise levels and the number of parallel activities on worksites make it particularly difficult for on-site teams to assess the impact of their own work on the indicators used to monitor compliance at any given time.



An innovative communication resource for on-site teams

An innovative smart display designed to turn your network of noise sensors into a powerful supervision and decision support tool. Using real-time data processing, intelligible indicators and Geoscope platform, the live dashboard can:

  • Display the up-to-date situation in terms of compliance with noise limits
  • Make real-time predictions based on recent measurements to forecast whether or not the current pace of work will be compliant with the noise limits imposed
  • Actively engage construction teams with noise control
  • Allow site teams to easily anticipate when and where a noise limit will be breached so they can adapt rather than stop works

Adapt your on-site activity to minimise the risk of site stoppages

Easily manage your « noise credits »

Displays easy-to-understand, bespoke indicators instead of charts

Empower site operatives to take ownership of noise control

Real-time information, directly available on site, to make informed decisions and maximise works

Reassure stakeholders

Active noise management can help you gain permission for extended hours working