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At Sixense, we are pleased to welcome people who are inquisitive and passionate about their know-how, whatever the level of speciality.

Our teams

Sixense teams comprise flexible, enthusiastic and experienced women and men that come from different backgrounds in construction and industry. Fully representative of our expertise, they are present around the world, committed to understanding and solving your issues.

Our technicians, engineers, digital analysts and developers, all specialists in their particular fields, are renowned for their technical expertise. They act with precision and reliability.

Join the team

Ready for a new challenge?

The posts on offer are open to students, young professionals, as well as to more experienced applicants.




Engineers & doctors

icone représentant les alternants

alternants accueillis
en 2023

icône représentant la formation
13 230

heures de formation réalisées en 2023 pour 80% de nos collaborateurs